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Disinfestation carpets tapestries

Disinfestation carpets tapestries with the method AIRSYSTEM

This is the brand new disinfestation carpets tapestries method against all kinds of parasites for rugs and tapestries.

An exclusive technology for disinfestation carpets tapestries

This disinfestation carpets tapestries technology is exclusively based on the use of air whose content in oxygen is reduced and kept extremely low (<0,1%), thus leading to death by anoxy of any biotic agent at any stage of its development: egg, larva, pupa and adult. It is of great interest for those who suffer from allergy to dust mites and micro-organisms in general, it is also efficient against moths that feed on the wool rugs are made of. The same method can be used on works of art, books, etc.


Quotation for disinfestation carpets

If you wish to receive a quotation for having your rugs disinfested , please send us an e-mail where you specify your name, address, telephone number and as much information as possible regarding the rugs. Our services are available in all of Europe.

Click here for further information

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